The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Mary’s Congregation of Pöide
Reg no 80210941
e-mail: poide [at] eelk.ee
Address: Pöide kirikla, 94520 Saaremaa vald, Saare maakond, ESTONIA
Pastor: Rev. Veiko Vihuri, tel + 372 52 94 476
Chairman of the management board: Mr Argo Püssim, Tel +372 51 947 844, argo.pyssim [at] gmail.com
Bank accounts:
EELK Pöide Maarja kogudus:
SWED EE292200001120136950
Congregation’s repair and organ fund:
SWED EE232200221039772450
The beginning of Pöide St Mary’s congregation dates back to the 13th century.
The Reformation in the 16th century saved the church and the parish of major clashes and destruction. However, the conversion movement of the mid-19th century diminished the numerous congregation of Pöide Church: by the year 1848, two-thirds of the population of Pöide parish had converted from Lutheranism to Russian Orthodoxy.
The Lutheran congregation of Pöide suffered again a century later, in 1940, when the church was badly damaged by fire, and after the beginning of the second Soviet occupation in 1944, when the church was plundered and later on closed for the congregation. Some members of the congregation joined St Martin’s church in Valjala.
Between 1944 and 1990, the building of Pöide Church changed owners several times. At present, the Pöide St Mary’s congregation restored in 1991 owns the Church.
Sunday service is held twice a month, at 13:30. In winter, service is conducted in the parsonage.